
Showing posts from 2017

Don't Forget to Tune up Your Furnace for Winter

As you approach the winter season, then it is very important to tune up your furnace for the upcoming winter season as winter is almost here. It is also essential to write your maintenance checklist and mark your calendars for the annual heat pump and furnace maintenance by a qualified HVAC specialist to save you money on energy costs and extend the life of your equipment.

5 Reasons You Need the Right Professional for Furnace Installation

Doing home improvements on your own can be a great way to save money considering that there are a number of DIY projects right within your house. However, when it comes to furnace installation, one should never take any chance. It is a good idea to take the help of a professional to perform the job and get meaningful results. Here are the most important reasons due to which getting professional help becomes impertinent:

Improving the Efficiency of Your Boiler

Your boiler accounts for a major portion of your electricity bill, however, if right care is taken, this bill can be considerably reduced. Most of the boilers have an average efficiency of 65 to 75 percent which means that a large portion of your bill is just going up the chimney for no reason at all. It is your negligence towards your boiler which is decreasing its efficiency and hiking the electricity bill at the same time.

Some Major Tips for HVAC Maintenance

HVAC maintenance is important and is a crucial part of home ownership. If you maintain your HVAC unit then you would not improve its efficiency but also save expenses on utility costs and can also avoid any breakdowns. It is also important to make sure that you turn off all the electrical breakers to your HVAC whenever you are doing its maintenance. Doing maintenance periodically would help to extend the life of your unit. Here are a few tips that you need to check to make sure that your system is working efficiently.